Capital Insights: The Complex Picture Facing the Fed
This month, Trent Von Ahsen examines the Federal Reserve's recent decision to hold interest rates steady, and what may be influencing their outlook as we move further into 2025.

Capital Insights: Why Valuations Matter for Long-Term Performance
Trent Von Ahsen kicks off 2025 with an in-depth analysis of current U.S. stock market valuations and the implications for long-term portfolio performance in this video.

Capital Insights: Recapping the S&P's Record Run [Dec. 2024]
Trent Von Ahsen closes out the year with a look at the record run of the S&P 500 index, and what that may mean as we flip the calendar ahead to 2025.

Capital Insights: Does Trump 2.0 Equal Markets 2.0? [Nov. 2024]
This month, Trent Von Ahsen explains why early expectations for President-Elect Trump's economy may not necessarily translate into gains in the new year. What really drives the markets?

Capital Insights: Uncharted Territory for the LEI [Oct. 2024]
This month, Trent Von Ahsen explores the uncharted territory the U.S. economy finds itself in, as reflected by the Conference Board's Leading Economic Index. Is this trusted economic gauge still reliable?

Capital Insights: Keep Politics Out of Your Portfolio [Sept. 2024]
This month, Trent Von Ahsen explains investing based on your politics is generally a bad idea for your investment portfolio. Be ready for whatever this year’s election brings.
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